Member-only story
Is Writing on Medium Worth the Time and Effort? My True Story.
I’ve been writing on Medium for 1 year and 4 months. In that time, 2,600+ people have followed me and I’ve earned $3,709.38 from 142 articles; that’s $26.12 per article. Each article takes 1 to 5 hours to write making my Medium hourly rate range $5.22 — $26.12.
Why I Started Writing on Medium
If you’re trying to simply “make money” online, chances are you’ll quite relatively quickly. You need to figure out why you need more money and have a real goal for doing so.
My Story
At the end of 2020, I needed to figure out how to make $100,000+ relatively quickly. At the time, my wife and I were planning on doing IVF (in vitro fertilization) to try to get pregnant and we had upcoming and expensive surgeries (related to this process).
IVF was never our first choice. Unfortunately, I was born with a condition that prevents us from getting pregnant naturally. Some may say this is a sign I shouldn’t have kids. Others say, “just adopt.” I say, we’re going to do what we want, with our money and lives. With your money, you’re welcome to spend it as you please; you won’t hear judgements from us 😁
For most people, $100,000 is a helluva lot of money to spend trying to get pregnant. I’ll admit, when I first looked at how much this pursuit would cost, I nearly went crazy. Most people who can get pregnant naturally don’t encounter these costs until their kids go to college…