Earn $35 In the Next 10 Minutes With the Coinbase Earn Program (I’ve made $92 in free crypto)

Michael Johnson
4 min readOct 11, 2021
Coinbase Earn — Earn $3 Per Quiz (for free)

It’s no big secret… cryptocurrency is here to stay so why not get rewarded for learning about certain projects/coins/tokens?

With the Coinbase Earn program, you get actual cash for taking simple, short quizzes. The quizzes take me around 10 seconds each and there’s no penalty for guessing incorrectly.

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Available Cryptocurrencies to Earn

1. GRT — The Graph

The Graph is a decentralized and open-source protocol for indexing and querying blockchain data. GRT is the Ethereum token that fuels The Graph’s ecosystem. It’s used to pay participants on the network that contribute by submitting or verifying data.

The Graph Cryptocurrency ($GRT)

2. AMP

Amp is an Ethereum token that aims to “collateralize payments on the Flexa Network, making them instant and secure.” If a BTC or…



Michael Johnson

I have drive and passion for making money online and teaching others how to do the same! Investing in DRIP is my FAVORITE way to make passive income!