How Much I Earned Last Month Using the Brave Browser (payment proof)

Michael Johnson
4 min readOct 28, 2021

I’m an avid Brave user. The second I learned I could earn cryptocurrency just from using a browser, I switched immediately.

Coming from using Google Chrome for years, Brave was a welcomed experience. Since Brave is built using Chromium, the same browser project as Chrome, the user experience was almost identical, with a few very large differences. Great differences.

My favorite feature is the Invasive Ads Blocker.

While watching YouTube videos in Chrome, many YouTubers enable ads (in order to get paid for their work). You must sit through 1 to 2 ads before you’re allowed to view the video you want. Some videos have ads more than that!

While that method does pay YouTubers a small commission via Google Adsense, everything is controlled by Google, and the majority of that ad revenue goes directly into Google’s deeeeeeeeeeep pockets.

What if you could eliminate those ads and allow you, the user, to decide how much to pay the YouTubers (of your choosing) with the free cryptocurrency earned from browsing the internet?



Michael Johnson
Michael Johnson

Written by Michael Johnson

I have drive and passion for making money online and teaching others how to do the same! But, life got REALLY busy (good busy) and I don't write much anymore.

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